Planning a road trip with your pet?

Planning a road trip with your pet?

Summertime makes us all want to get away for a break. But what about the family pet? Ensuring you’ve packed everything you need for the holiday and the journey can be quite stressful. And then having to remember to include all the essentials for your doggie...
Can owning a pet improve your social life?

Can owning a pet improve your social life?

As well as providing lots of enjoyment and affection, acquiring a pet, especially a dog, can also help you keep in good health both physically and mentally. Most pet parents will tell you that they love their pet like a member of the family, but owning a pet can have...
What does your dog know about your feelings?

What does your dog know about your feelings?

As a dog owner, you probably already understand that your pet can sense either when things are “hunky-dory” in your household or everything is not quite as it should be with you. But now this gut feeling has been backed up by veterinary researchers in...
Are you walking your dog the right way?

Are you walking your dog the right way?

Do you take your dog for a walk or does he take you? How many times have you seen (or experienced) a dog straining at the leash and the owner (maybe you) continually battling to keep him under control? Everyone knows that walking your dog is a great way to get...

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